One-Shot Wonder? New Vaccine Aims for Universal Protection
Photo Illustration by 731; Photo: Alamy

One-Shot Wonder? New Vaccine Aims for Universal Protection

Imagine a world where a single vaccine shot shields you from a vast array of viruses. That’s the ambitious goal behind a groundbreaking new vaccine strategy being developed by researchers at the University of California, Riverside (UCR).

This isn’t your typical vaccine. Forget weakened viruses or engineered proteins. This approach leverages a natural process within our bodies called RNA interference (RNAi) to silence viruses and boost our immune system’s defenses.

“The beauty of this strategy lies in its breadth,” explains Dr. Rong Hai, a virologist and co-author of the research paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “It’s not specific to a single virus or variant, making it potentially applicable to a wide range of viral threats.”

Traditional vaccines work by introducing a weakened or inactive form of a virus, prompting the body to build immunity. However, this approach can have limitations. Live vaccines, while effective, can cause strong side effects in people with compromised immune systems.

The UCR vaccine bypasses these limitations. Instead of relying on traditional immune responses, it utilizes tiny RNA molecules our bodies naturally produce during RNAi. Viruses typically suppress this process, but the UCR team has developed a method to circumvent this viral tactic.

“Essentially, we’re creating a weakened virus that can’t suppress RNAi,” explains Dr. Shouwei Ding, lead author of the paper and a UCR microbiology professor. “This weakened virus then acts as a training tool for our RNAi system, teaching it to recognize and fight off the real threat.”

Early tests in mice, even those lacking traditional immune cells, were promising. A single shot of the RNAi vaccine protected the mice from a lethal dose of a specific virus for 90 days. The researchers are optimistic that this approach can be adapted to combat a variety of viruses, from the familiar flu and COVID-19 to more exotic threats like dengue fever.

“Viruses can mutate to evade traditional vaccines,” says Dr. Hai. “But with this approach, we’re targeting the entire viral genome with thousands of tiny RNAs. It’s a much tougher nut for the virus to crack.”

While human trials haven’t begun yet, the UCR team is confident in the potential of their “cut-and-paste” strategy. This research represents a significant leap forward in the quest for a universal vaccine, offering a future where a single shot could provide broad protection against a multitude of viral enemies.