NASA Built Device Unleashes New Possibilities For Speech challenged Individuals
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NASA Built Device Unleashes New Possibilities For Speech challenged Individuals

Imagine groundbreaking technology that empowers individuals facing speech challenges. Thanks to an extraordinary collaboration between NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Eyegaze Inc., such a solution now exists.

Meet the Eyegaze Edge, an eye-driven communication device designed to revolutionize how we connect. This compact yet potent device seamlessly integrates with computers, mobile phones, and tablets, opening up a world of possibilities for users. Whether you’re chatting online, posting on social media, sending emails, or making phone calls, the Eyegaze Edge puts communication at your fingertips.

Calibration in a Blink

Setting up the Eyegaze Edge is a breeze. In just 15 seconds, it calibrates to a person’s gaze, ensuring precise functionality. But how does this remarkable device work?

Back in 1998, NASA and Eyegaze embarked on a mission to enhance communication technologies. The Eyegaze team initially conceptualized and designed the device, but their partnership with NASA took it to new heights. With NASA’s expertise, the gadget’s design evolved significantly, shrinking it down to the size of a sleek laptop.

The heart of the Eyegaze Edge lies in its eye-tracking system. By pinpointing the exact location on a screen where the user’s eye focuses, it enables seamless interaction. This process involves infrared reflections, allowing for precise communication even for those with traumatic brain injuries, strokes, or conditions that prevent verbal expression.

Whether placed above or below a computer screen, the Eyegaze Edge is a game-changer, granting the power of expression to those who need it most.


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